A breakdown of New York City politics into seven distinct factions based on ideology, class, neighborhoods and political institutions. Where are the City's various electoral coalitions headed?
It is utterly impossible to definitively categorize New York City politics. The unique level of nuance and complexity found within each community as well as the propensity of politicians who tend to suffer ideological shifts from election cycle to election cycle are just a few factors that make this so. However, this is an incredible analysis of New York City politics, Michael. Truly impressive and I appreciate the time you took to put this together. As a veteran of the both the Bloomberg and de Blasio administration--holding leadership positions in both--this was a fascinating read.
a few nits: AOC was not the first socialist elected to Congress from NYC in 100 years. Jerry Nadler and Major Owens were open members of DSOC/DSA when elected and for years after, working with us on various things.
Also, your typology doesn’t acknowledge the overlaps between groups. Lots of alphabet left activists, leaders and electeds are also Dem Soc. And the distinction between the Alphabet Left and the otger group on which you put Robert Jackson and Zellnor Myrie seems a bit strained.
It would be interesting at some point to look at the old lefties that have bevome somewhat more centtist, such as Nadler and Gale Brewer. How much have their views changed? How much are they shifting with their districts? How much has the left changed, leaving them behind?
Michael, I want to give you this new information because I have working on the ground to identify the World Wide factions and their correspondence here in the United States. I am sharing this with you. If you can help me identify the one I am missing.
Socialism is the political /economic system that supports the ownership and central control of the means-of-production and investment, whether by self-appointed elites or democratically elected.
Making up one's own definition of Socialism does not make one a Socialist. Bernie and AOC are not Socialists.
It is utterly impossible to definitively categorize New York City politics. The unique level of nuance and complexity found within each community as well as the propensity of politicians who tend to suffer ideological shifts from election cycle to election cycle are just a few factors that make this so. However, this is an incredible analysis of New York City politics, Michael. Truly impressive and I appreciate the time you took to put this together. As a veteran of the both the Bloomberg and de Blasio administration--holding leadership positions in both--this was a fascinating read.
Good piece! Fave me a lot to chew on.
a few nits: AOC was not the first socialist elected to Congress from NYC in 100 years. Jerry Nadler and Major Owens were open members of DSOC/DSA when elected and for years after, working with us on various things.
Also, your typology doesn’t acknowledge the overlaps between groups. Lots of alphabet left activists, leaders and electeds are also Dem Soc. And the distinction between the Alphabet Left and the otger group on which you put Robert Jackson and Zellnor Myrie seems a bit strained.
It would be interesting at some point to look at the old lefties that have bevome somewhat more centtist, such as Nadler and Gale Brewer. How much have their views changed? How much are they shifting with their districts? How much has the left changed, leaving them behind?
To further nitpick, Vito Marcantonio was also a socialist. Still, it’s a fascinating read on the nation’s most fascinating and complex metropolis.
Michael, I want to give you this new information because I have working on the ground to identify the World Wide factions and their correspondence here in the United States. I am sharing this with you. If you can help me identify the one I am missing.
Nationalists: https://www.idgroup.eu - US: https://conservativepartyusa.org
Democrat Union: https://www.idu.org - US: https://gop.com
International Alliance of Libertarian Parties: https://ialp.com - US: https://lp.org
Centrist Democrat: https://www.idc-cdi.com - <Still Loooking>
Liberals and centrists: https://liberal-international.org - US: https://cnliberalism.org
Progressive Alliance: https://progressive-alliance.info - US: https://pdamerica.org
Social democrats and Socialists: https://socialistinternational.org - US: https://socialists.us
Greens and regionalists: https://globalgreens.org - US: https://www.gp.org
Progressive International: https://progressive.international - US: https://www.dsausa.org
Communists and Workers' parties: http://www.solidnet.org - US: https://www.cpusa.org
Socialists Alternative: https://internationalsocialist.net - US: https://www.socialistalternative.org
International People's Assembly: https://ipa-aip.org - US: https://pslweb.org
Pirates: https://pp-international.net - US: https://uspirates.org
Socialism is the political /economic system that supports the ownership and central control of the means-of-production and investment, whether by self-appointed elites or democratically elected.
Making up one's own definition of Socialism does not make one a Socialist. Bernie and AOC are not Socialists.
Social Democracy vs. Democratic Socialism - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/r0uUG8kM0zY
Understanding... Socialism in the U.S. - https://www.studioatao.org/socialism
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Socialism - https://iep.utm.edu/socialis/
You are invited tomorrow https://www.meetup.com/socialists/events/289338785
I would love if you could get the others factions to put a table next to mine: https://theochino.medium.com/its-called-realignment-95506c086ec2 (I have reached out to a few based on the international: https://www.repmyblock.org/web/exp/toplinks/about)
Take some time to watch this documentary: https://www.repmyblock.org/web/exp/register/movie